Thursday, December 18, 2014


Of course he cheats,
but exactly how
I haven’t quite figured out.
Unless it’s by distraction,
‘cuz I’m not really sure
if that beautiful harlot
standing behind him
is real or merely an illusion.

He’s ordered the raucous music
turned up high
and the lights
turned down low,
so it’s rather dark in here,
with demon’s eyes glittering
all around me,
and the carpet squishing and slithering
beneath my feet,
and there’s an awful stench
of cigarette smoke.
Or maybe it’s sulphur.

There he goes again . . .
Shoots every ball into a pocket
without missing once.

“Rack ‘em up!” he barks.
“And I’ll give you another chance.”

What’s the use, I mutter.
But I break anyway,
and the eight ball
goes straight into the left corner pocket.

“You lose!” he screeches,
with a wicked gloat in his eyes.

Curse my damn luck, I mutter.
And the hooker cracks up.
Her cackling
makes my skin crawl.

Then, some demon racks up again,

and the cue stick in my hands catches fire.


 They try to hide among the tiger lilies.
Good choice for an orange tabby.
I see their blinking eyes among the zinnias.
Or are they winking at me?
What sort of game is this?
A white cat crouches amid the narcissus,
But where does a black cat hide?
In the shadows.
He waits and watches,
Like a Bengal tiger.

And there he is,
The prince of pussycats,
As black as night,
Slinking his way through silky grass,
Down on his belly,
Then pouncing on some imaginary foe.
Up he springs,
Struting proudly
With his usual feline grace,
Strides along in regal possession.
And with one gravity-defying leap,
He’s bounded to the top of the wall,
Makes his exit like a tightrope walker,
Tail aloft,
And, without so much as a backward glance,
He vanishes,

Leaving the garden to his lesser brothers.


The thought of the sweet radiance of your eyes
brings tears to mine and transports my soul
to regions unfathomed and unknown.

How do you know the secret magic that stirs my soul?
Did you learn it from a sorceress?
Or was your mother a goddess, your father a mere mortal?

Surely, you’ve been endowed by some high power
with a celestial fire, with something divine
granted only to those who can be trusted
with the secrets of the gods.

When I behold this in you I am more than a little in awe,
But I am resolved to remain silent
And let you wonder if you truly are my muse